
SRR1976948_1.fastq.gz - First 1m reads of the SRA record

SRR1976948_2.fastq.gz - First 1m reads of the SRA record

SRR1977249_1.fastq.gz - First 1m reads of the SRA record

SRR1977249_2.fastq.gz - First 1m reads of the SRA record

SRR1977296_1.fastq.gz - First 1m reads of the SRA record

SRR1977296_2.fastq.gz - First 1m reads of the SRA record - abundtrim/subset swept/PE - abundtrim/subset swept/PE

all-genomes.fasta.gz - all of the genomes from the study

subset-genomes.fasta.gz - ~1/8th of the genomes from the study

subset_assembly.fa.gz - - assembly of the two abundtrim/subset data sets

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